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Scholarship Application Tips

Scholarship Application Tips
1. Use free scholarship search sites such as:

to find a wide array of scholarships for which you may qualify.  Also be sure to check with your employer and your parents' employers.
2. Don't shy away from smaller scholarships or ones which require an essay.  There is often less competition for these awards, so your chance of success is greater.
3. Write one really good essay.  Focus on describing yourself in a way that is not already reflected on your transcript.  In other words, focus on attributes, not on academics.  Use this essay as often as it fits the application process. 
4. Be sure your essay addresses the key requirements of the scholarship.  Your basic essay might be fine, but you may need to revise it slightly for different awards.
5. Focus on things you have done outside the classroom, such as extracurricular activities, part-time work, and community service.  Discuss ways in which your involvement in these activities has made you a better person. 
6. Be grammatically correct.  Always use proper English, write in complete sentences and use proper punctuation.
7. Be very mindful of deadlines, and submit your applications early.  Late applications almost always go on the "NO" pile.
8. Be prepared to work.  It takes time to search for scholarships and to submit applications.  But hard work has its rewards and the more free money you earn through scholarships the less you will need to borrow to pay for college. 
9. Don't wait until your senior year to start searching for scholarships.  Begin searching during your sophomore or junior year and make a list of any scholarships for which you might qualify. 
10. Once you enroll in college, search for scholarships every year.  This should be done both online and through your colleges's Financial Aid Office.  Each year you change as a scholarship candidate.  You advance in grade level, you may join new clubs, and organizations, you may change yur major, new awards are made available, and some awards are reserved for upperclassmen.  By searching every year, you will maximize your chances of success.

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