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Student Assistance Program

Student Assistance Program
At Curwensville, the Student Assistance Program is referred to as CAP (Curwensville Students at Risk Assistance Program). The Student Assistance Program is a state mandated program designed to identify and refer students for help who are considered to be "at risk" educationally for such things as drug and alcohol abuse, behavior and academic problems and mental health issues. Anyone can refer a student to the Student Assistance Team by either telling a team member or filling out a referral form. Once a student is referred, the team gathers additional data (grades, teacher observations etc.) and makes a decision as to what might be helpful for the student. The Curwensville Area High School Team Members include Jodi Addleman,  Bruce Cramer, Christy Danko, Brian Dimmick, Bill Hayward,  Jesse Husted, Susan Josephson, Matthew Kephart, Sharon Laborde, Nancy Matchock, Lisa Nelen, Sasha Ryan, Holly Spencer, and Andy Sutton.  If you would like to learn more about CAP, please call the Guidance Office at 236-7604 or visit the state's website at

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