Literacy Websites

2 years ago

1.    Starfall Reading Website

Thiswebsite offers activities and materials to help with early reading skills, thealphabet and sound recognition.

2.    Early Childhood Reading

Thissite provides a variety of links to websites that offer reading tips, earlyliteracy activities, worksheets, and games.

3.    Success to Read

Thissite offers several tips and activities for teaching your child how to readincluding auditory skills, alphabet sounds, phonics, and rhyme. Parents areprovided with a variety of leveled reading selections and supplements.


4.    Game Goo

Game Goohas a variety of fun learning games.


5.   ABC YA

Gradelevel lessons incorporate areas such as math and language arts whileintroducing basic computer skills. Many of the kindergarten and first gradeactivities are equipped with sound to enhance understanding.


6.   Book Pals

BookPALSis founded on a clear premise: children must be exposed to the magic of booksin order to develop a love of reading. A number of actors and actresses readdifferent books.


7.   PBS Kids

This site has many differentreading and math readiness skills in fun activities with well-knowncharacters.  Parents are able to create afree account so their child can access pbs kids island.


8.   Bemboo’s Zoo

Letters from the alphabet are shown in an animalword, then the letters create a picture of the animal.


9.   The Special K (Kindergarten) Page

This page has many, many reading readinesssites from which to choose.


10.  ABCMatch

In this game you match the letter to itsbeginning sound – like playing memory! You can choose the play mode; either timed or untimed.


11.  FunBrain

This site has many different math and readinggames to choose from


12.  APlus Math and Math Playground

These two sites have many different mathgames to play.


13. Tumblebooks

Once there you will seeonthe left "weblinks" and under that is Tumblebooks.

