Interested candidates should send cover letter, district employment application, resume, three letters of recommendation, and current (within one year) Act 34, Act 114, Act 151, PDE Form 6004 and Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release under Act 168 to Deb Sloppy, Board Secretary, 650 Beech Street, Curwensville, PA 16833. Applications can also be emailed to jobs@curwensville.org. Applications are accepted until the position is filled.
The position would entail small group instrumental lesson instruction. Certification and experience in instrumental music is preferred. Letters of interest should also include a resume. Please send all information to music@curwensville.org or mail to Curwensville Area School District, Attention Music Department 650 Beech St. Curwensville PA 16833.Letters of interest will be accepted until the position is filled.